Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why Does My Stomach Stick Out After I Eat My Stomach Stick Out Like Crazy Lately Especially After I Eat?

My stomach stick out like crazy lately especially after i eat? - why does my stomach stick out after i eat

I ate a lot and always stuck together, my cousin came to visit me for a month and a half .. Every evening he took dinner triple cheeseburger meal from Wendy's large and filled my car each day as Luch

I am not over weight, I gained a little fat in the abdomen, but not make much Maybee this so you can see it a little worse before my arrival, I was very thin and my stomach was flat, now when I suck my stomach, which seems normal even Tho I have a little fat in the abdomen, my stomach does not extend to only eat so much food for a month and a half?

Now I do not eat a lot and stay on the same

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